What all will I need to get a website built for my business?
When you decide to get a website built for your business, you will need a domain name, hosting infrastructure and SSL certificate.
DetailsWhen you decide to get a website built for your business, you will need a domain name, hosting infrastructure and SSL certificate.
DetailsDomain name is the first thing required to build a website. Once you reserve (buy) a domain name for yourself or your business, you get an exclusive right to use it for a specified period of time.
DetailsServer and Cloud is like a high-speed, high-specification computer that remains on 24 x 7 x 365. They serve your website to everyone on the internet.
DetailsStated simply, an SSL certificate prevents eavesdroppers from reading the information exchange between your website visitor’s web-browser and your web-server.
DetailsAs systems move to servers and cloud, they are constantly exposed to hackers who are looking for ways to break the system and compromise the confidential data of businesses.